Corporate Politics and Fascist Democracy


‘"The will of the nation" is one of the phrases most generally abused by intriguers and despots of every age.’

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America,
trans. George Lawrence

"But I consider it right as a citizen to set the welfare of the state above the popularity of an orator. Indeed, I am given to understand—and so perhaps are you—that the orators of past generations, always praised but not always imitated by those who address you, adopted this very standard and principle of statesmanship. I refer to the famous Aristides, to Nicias, to my own namesake, and to Pericles. But ever since this breed of orators appeared who ply you with such questions as "What would you like? What shall I propose? How can I oblige you?" the interests of the state have been frittered away for a momentary popularity. The natural consequences follow, and the orators profit by your disgrace."


Demosthenes 3.21-22, trans. J.H. Vince

The American voter has become a disenfranchised cog in the corporate political mechanism that defines what is oft referred to as “democracy”. This word, “democracy,” has been bandied about by every media hack and self-aggrandizing politician that can pollute our reality with their propaganda-based delusions. Tyrants have often used the guise of the "will of the voter" to invite all manner of atrocities upon the voter masses. Pericles and the Greek demagogues were the first to use the innovative political tool of democracy for fooling and enslaving the masses, while tyrannical communist countries refer to themselves as “democratic” because they hold rigged elections every so often. But aren’t all elections pretty much rigged in today’s phony political climate? Can a fooled and uneducated voter be depended upon to vote in the most informed and socially beneficial way, or will they be conned by all manner of political tomfoolery into giving their rights and their freedom over to an elite group of corporate financial interests that hold the reigns of government? Clearly, this form of "democracy" isn’t all that it’s been cracked up to be by the politically sophisticated, i.e., the downright dishonest or the completely naive, especially when corporate fascist entities can easily manipulate and control the system to their particular advantage.

"Democracy is the most vile form of government... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."
James Madison

Our founding fathers were unanimously opposed to democracy as a form of government, as James Madison and others referred to it as anarchy and mob rule. That is why they set up a Constitutional Republican form of government based on individual rights and common law and not the will of the mob. Such a mob is no different than a single tyrant or minority rule in practice and in outcome; both are tyrannical and inimical to freedom and liberty. What is the real difference in eventual outcome between a gang of thieves and a monarch? We have seen where anarchy has led Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union, as one mob faction wars with another, and the rights of the people are trampled for the greed of Russian gangs. Believe it or not, that is democracy. Which ever rabble can steal enough power to get their legislation passed wins until the next gang comes along to offset them. It's like one big L.A. gang war, only it is our country that is at stake.

The rule of common law and the protection of individual liberties are the only stalwarts of a free society. The will of the majority (the power of misinformed teeming mobs) has led to the Napoleonic wars, Soviet Communism, and nazism. Is it surprising to see the words “democracy,” “nazism,” and “communism” in the same sentence (that’s what a government education will do for you)? It shouldn’t because that is where democracy inevitably leads.

Given this knowledge, is democracy really what you yearn for? Is that truly what you want to force upon Iraq and every other country that wanders into our corporate fascist way? Is that really what our political leaders are after: the exportation of freedom and liberty, or are they merely exerting their own brand of fascist control over foreign governments and their people at the behest of their corporate masters (Halliburton etc.)? Shall we supplant one form of tyranny (Saddam Hussein) for another (Corporate fascism)? How easy it is for the unscrupulous to manipulate the malleable and uneducated average voter, and to rig elections in their own favor, meanwhile our dutiful government controlled press will laud it as spreading freedom and democracy across the globe. More like a giant step toward a global fascist State with corporate financiers as our tyrannical masters, and young American soldiers as the fodder.

We have been effectively taught by our media and educational facilities that voting is the most important thing that one can do for his/her country—that the only right that really matters is your “right to vote", which is no right at all really. Who really cares about their other so called “unalienable rights?" As long as you have the “right to vote," as the story goes, then you are free and your other rights are protected. There are few lies greater than this bugaboo. The Palestinians have the right to vote, does this secure any of their liberties? Our rights are not secured by voting or even by a constitution, but are secured by the understanding of and adherence to universal natural law. A glaring example of this misconception today are the American public, which have lost just about every right supposedly guaranteed them by their Constitution (thousands of executive orders, eminent domain abuses, the income tax, property taxes, the Patriot Act, Social Security etc.) while maintaining the fiction that they are free because they can vote. And voting they have been—for their own demise.

Voter confidence is at an all time low in this country. Less than 20% of those registered voted in the last two elections. That is an astounding figure, which begs the question: why? Especially when it has been drilled into every American patriot’s head that it is his patriotic duty to vote, and that freedom and liberty hang in the very balance with each election. Such is the importance that has been placed in a figurehead (President) that was never supposed to be that powerful. What has happened to the checks and balances that were supposed to reign in Presidential tyranny? Patrick Henry warned of such abuses by the power of the office of the President (which is why he was against the Constitution,) it would appear that indeed he did "smell a rat."

Perhaps the people see through the smokescreen that is the American political process, and the joke that is the current two party system, a system where politicos from both parties promise us everything under the Sun, robbing Peter and Paul to pay Paul (are we actually this idiotic?), and deliver nothing. Both parties are, to a degree, a mirror of the other, with minor differences between the two. We are given a one party system in the guise of a two party system. One party is for a 2 percent tax cut, while the other party is for a 1 percent tax cut. Honestly, could you tell the difference between John Kerry and George Bush in the last election? I couldn’t. Both gave lip service to the same things; both were for the war; both were for tax cuts, and both claimed to be Christian. It doesn’t really seem to matter at all which regime rules, the outcomes are always the same: more bloated bureaucracy, and more rights of the people trampled afoot. Can you tell the difference, aside from all of the sex scandals, between the current Bush administration and the Clinton administration? I fail to see a big difference between their fiscal, domestic, and even foreign policies. Clinton attacked Iraq, the Balkans, Haiti, and several other countries, while sustaining a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The biggest difference between the two regimes (not counting Monica) is that Bush gave us a miniscule tax cut, while Clinton mainly increased taxes. Both are shills for the corporate interests that put them in office, and both have done nothing in the way of safeguarding or restoring the liberties of the people. American politics has become the greatest show on earth, surpassing Hollywood in spectacle and fakery.

In the 2000 election race, we had George W. Bush with more money from campaign contributions than most of the other candidates combined. Where did all of this money come from? Well, one quick glance at a little Bush family history and you will find that the Bush family is heavily connected to the Nazi collaborators and big banking family of Brown bros. Harriman and Texas oil. George H.W. Bush was the director of the CIA, an organization strongly affiliated with the elite Yale fraternity called the Skull and Bones (both he, his father, and his son were Bonesmen), which is also heavily connected to the Wall Street bankster cartels. Is there really any wonder where all of his campaign money came from? You can rest assured that his challenger (Al Gore) was also firmly in the pockets of the bankster cartels, and so it did not ultimately matter to the money powers who ended up winning.


"The next choice of the money lords. He or she will be picked by the same people who selected George Bush and Bill Clinton."--
Interview with JFK Jr. in George Magazine, 1998

It would be one thing if the people were actually given a real choice among candidates, but when the candidates are delivered to us on a silver platter provided by the corporate cartels and their bankster buddies, is it any wonder that most elect to not even bother voting? It is often erroneously portrayed that the Republicans are in the pockets of "Big Business," while the Democrats stand for the little people (try not to laugh,) but the painfully obvious truth is that both parties are deep into the pockets of so called “Big Business”. How did we arrive at such an impasse?

“When the U. S. Supreme Court in 1886 (Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad) held that a private corporation was a natural person under the U. S. Constitution [the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America], the way was opened for corporations to dominate the public and private life of society, define the economic, cultural and political agenda for humans and all other living things, and perhaps most importantly, allow corporations to assume The First Amendment rights, wherein they can say anything, and yet... still have limited liability .”-- Dan Sewell Ward

Yes, that’s right… The Supreme Court ruled that a fictitious corporate entity (straw man) has all of the rights that you as a living, breathing human being has and many more. A corporate entity is protected by limited liability (LLC), which pretty well means that a corporation can exercise its rights under the Constitution and not have to worry about its corporate officers being sued or prosecuted for the crimes that it commits, plus a corporation has vast reserves of stockholder’s money with which to buy itself all of the political clout that it desires. You, on the other hand, are lucky to have enough money to pay the gas bill to your favorite corporate straw man utility company, which has hiked the rate some 70% for the winter because of increased demand relative a touted and government-manufactured shortage. Aren’t you glad that you can compete with Wal-mart for political influence? In what universe can this actually be considered fair?

The corporate lobby recently made it nearly impossible for a private citizen to declare bankruptcy. Now credit card companies with their "easy mark" policies will have almost unlimited power of usury and debt slavery. Corporations can easily declare bankruptcy, and suffer hardly any ill effects because of it. In a few months they are up and running like nothing ever happened. Often they are even bailed out by the taxpayer, as was the case with the S & L crisis in the 80's. Corporations not only have more rights than private individuals in bankruptcy court, but they have more rights within a court of law, where a corporate entity is only required to tell the truth, whereas you as a private citizen are required to tell the "whole truth and nothing but the truth". Thus a corporate entity can selectively tell whatever truths it deems necessary, even perjuring itself without suffering any of the major ill effects that you and I would.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
Benito Mussolini, 1883-1945, Fascist dictator of Italy

Meanwhile, you with your 100% liability can be sued for slander, thrown in prison, or executed for the crimes that you commit against humanity, yet most corporations aren’t even driven out of business for the most heinous of crimes. No, they just hire lobbyists to bribe Congressmen, or they save some money and bribe them themselves. When you have billions of dollars to throw around, you can get any law passed and they routinely do. In fact, the history of this country has been one unconstitutional law passed for the corporate cartels after another.

“In his book, Monks describes what he calls the four corporate dangers: unlimited life, unlimited size, unlimited power and unlimited license. (Which, of course, is coincident with limited liability. And therein lies the problem!)”-- Dan Sewell Ward

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is a prime example of the bankster cartels getting the most heinous of laws passed through Congress, while the nation slept on Christmas holiday. This law set up twelve privately owned corporations as the official money launderers of the Federal Government, i.e., a central bank; thus placing private ownership of the money of the American people into the hands of a small minority of Wall Street tycoons. Talk about a great deal for the tycoons!! The American people got the Great Depression, all of their rights taken away, the oppressive income tax, WWI, WWII and the shaft in return. This was the deal of the century!

With the money supply firmly in corporate hands, the banksters proceeded to bankrupt the country through monsters of their own creation: the agricultural depression of 1920 and the Great Depression; and while the American people were down, the banksters kicked them, snapping up farm after farm, and business after business at bargain basement prices (it was a depression after all). Soon, with FDR’s "Raw Deal" (the Communist Manifesto a la FDR style) firmly in place, the American farmer was supplanted for the communist utopian dream of the corporatization of American agriculture. Then came a barrage of laws designed to protect the corporate cartels from the competition of young up and starters: the Sherman Anti-trust Act (which was a precursor to 1913), the creation of the SEC, the NRA, FTC, and a hundred other alphabet challenged bureaucracies. All of these laws and agencies, mind you, are unconstitutional, but what is that to stop the corporate cartels from having their cake and eating it too? Of course, they were all passed under the guise that they were necessary for the protection of the little man, but one doesn’t have to think all that hard in order to arrive at the conclusion that passing numerous laws restricting and usurping the individual rights of citizens is not protecting the freedom and liberty of those citizens. There was never anything wrong with existing laws, they were just ignored and went unenforced thanks to the corporate corruption of our political process, so explain to me what the creation of new laws was supposed to accomplish?

“What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938? Another piece of Fascism passed under the traitorous FDR administration. What is Fascism? Strongly defined socialized government; when the government doesn't own private enterprise companies, but controls all production. That's exactly what occurred as a result of this act.”—Devvy Kidd

Woodrow Wilson and FDR were both bankrolled by the corporate cartels, and placed in power so that they could enact the policies that the corporations wanted in place. They performed their jobs brilliantly. Old Woodrow was in the most peculiar position of having the famous Warburg banking cartel funding both he and his two opponents. This is a typical tactic of the corporate cartels, hedging their bets, thus making sure that all sides of an election are firmly in their debt. This is why there is no real difference between the two parties. In the end, they all have the same platform, and it really doesn’t matter who wins. Voting is essentially pointless when the elections are rigged. Paul Warburg, who could barely speak English and wasn’t even a naturalized citizen until 1910, went on to be the first Governor of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 (just a small favor from Woodrow to his bankster masters.) Meanwhile, his brother and father were both prominent members of the Reichsbank (Germany’s central bank) at the time. Wow!! It would appear that the European banking cartels put one over on Americans whilst they slept on Christmas 1913.

With the Fed created agricultural depression of 1920-21, the Great Depression, and the passage of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, corporate cartels bankrupted the American farmer, and to this day he is dependant upon government subsidies and welfare, unable to compete with the giant corporate farming cartels that replaced him because of the fascist nature of the AAA of 1938 and other laws designed to keep them down. This is how the Wall Street money barons, who had always despised the rugged individualism of the American farmer, wanted it; and the politicians love this arrangement because it allows them to brook the farmer’s vote, while promising more handouts. Once one realizes this, then the seeming paradox of farmers in the breadbasket of the world going broke is no paradox at all. They were bankrupted for a corporate purpose.

Unfortunately, our politicians have done an excellent job of garnering the fiat money system to their favor. Promising every welfare program under the Sun in order to pander to gullible potential voters, and of course paying for it with voter’s money and money barrowed from the Fed, robbing Peter and Paul in order to pay Paul, and then blaming both of them a year later when whatever program the politicians con into existence fails (it is a politicians favorite tactic to blame the public for political failures, and then demand that they give more money to the lost cause.)

Today we have five major industries of corporate control: pharmaceuticals, agriculture, military, banking, and the media. Control these and you control everything, and there is no doubt that today all of these have been sufficiently corporatized.

"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist”—Dwight D. Eisenhower

It is amazing how many people actually believe that we have freedom of the press in this country. When all of the major media outlets, including Fox, are owned and run by the same corporate entities, then truly we live in a propaganda matrix created by our corporate masters. This is why we have absolutely no diversity in the reporting of current events today. In most cases you can flip the channel and hear the exact same talking points from news station to news station. It makes you wonder why they even bother having more than one station? Is it because they like to at least pretend that they are independent and objective? Obviously, NBC and the rest are corporations, whose majority shares are owned by the banksters, thus they will put forth their news and only their news.

“Globalization” is a word that is often touted by our corporate news media. It is such a vague term that no one seems to know what it means, but in the context of today’s corporate reality it should be pretty clear. America’s particular brand of corporate fascism is being exported across the globe, which is why you see huge protests wherever the World Trade Organization meets.

Created by international treaty in 1995 and now boasting some 134 members, the unstated purpose of the WTO is to exert corporate control over the governments of nations across the expanse of the globe. The WTO can effectively govern the commerce of foreign companies within your borders, thus trampling upon the sovereignty of nations-- great for corporate bankster tyrants, and not so good for the little people, whose rights are trampled by these corporate monsters. The WTO and free trade agreements (which should be called unfair trade agreements when America is consistently running up massive trade deficits) are spreading the influence of the corporate cartels to the third world, and thus exerting greater influence over world governments and economies.

I recently read part of a book called Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins that describes in great detail how the major banks of the world hired agents (they referred to themselves as "economic hitmen") that worked in concert with the CIA to con foreign governments into accepting loans that they could not possibly pay back. Once the country had accepted the loan, then American companies, like Halliburton and Betchel, were called in to take most of the loan money, all in the pretense of building infrastructure etc.. Of course, the infrastructure usually only benefitted the wealthiest citizens, while the middle class and the poor were stuck paying the bill. When it came time to call in the loans, of course the countries couldn't pay up, so the corporate banks would call for special favors and effectively own the governments of these countries. It was the same old trick played upon the American people in 1913 by the European banksters. Occasionally, these "economic hitmen" would miss their mark and meet risistance, thus the "jackals" (CIA) would be called in and political assassinations would occur. He dedicated his book to two such men that had lost their lives at the hands of these "jackals": the Presidents of Ecuador and Panama.

It would seem that our government is nothing more than a favor-dispensing organism for the corporate cartels, which are the true owners of the American government. In the news today we have the stories of Congressional corruption surrounding Jack Abramoff, where favors and money were apparently being doled out in an effort to bribe Congressmen for favorable legislation on behalf of certain corporations (What a shocker!) Of course, this is only the tip of the Congressional corruption iceberg. Those who haven’t been caught are far more numerous than those that have; and as FDR once noted: “nothing in politics happens by accident.” Truly the actual constituents of our Congressmen take a far backseat to the corporate lobbies, which are all too willing to buy political power like you and I buy bread at the grocery store.

It is pathetic how little the American people seem to pay attention to what is going on in their Capitol. More Corporate welfare is doled out everyday than just about any other government entitlement. If you are a giant corporation worth billions of dollars, then it is increasingly easy to go to your Congressman and walk away with several million dollars in taxpayer’s money or tax breaks. Should we be giving out money or tax breaks to giant corporate behemoths that are raking in billions every year, while the individual taxpayer that foots most of the bill is levied with more taxes year after year at the behest of these same companies? Don’t get me wrong, I am all for free trade and a free-market, but this fascism resembles nothing of capitalism. Of course, capitalism will get the blame from the corporate media, which will demand more laws and regulations under the astoundingly stupid insinuation that we have too much freedom in this country. I agree, corporations have way too much freedom and power, which is why the individual rights of the citizens of this country should be restored to not just an equal footing… but a greater footing than any corporation; and this cannot be done by passing more laws, or creating more bureaucracy, but by repealing all of the fascist laws and government agencies that are trampling the rights of the American citizen at the behest of the corporate cartels. There should be only one law of the land, and it should be plain and clear for all to see. No more of this insidious system that has one set of laws for corporations, and another set of laws for their serfs.

"The $150 billion for corporate subsidies and tax benefits eclipses the annual budget deficit of $130 billion. It's more than the $145 billion paid out annually for the core programs of the social welfare state: Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), student aid, housing, food and nutrition, and all direct public assistance (excluding Social Security and medical care)."

"After World War II, the nation's tax bill was roughly split between corporations and individuals. But after years of changes in the federal tax code and international economy, the corporate share of taxes has declined to a fourth the amount individuals pay, according to the US Office of Management and Budget." --Boston Globe series on Corporate Welfare

Another abominable example of the marriage between corporation and State is the spoils system that has been blatantly evident in every administration since Andrew Jackson. The corporate lobby has filled almost every major cabinet position in every Presidential administration since JFK was murdered. High-level CIA officials and corporate bankster hacks have been represented in the Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations, and that’s just as far back as I want to go. The Bilderburg Group, Skull and Bones Society, CIA, and master-level masons have been a staple of all of these administrations. The current administration has associations with Halliburton, members of the Carlyle Group and affiliates of Brown Brothers Harriman Co. etc. as high-level cabinet initiates. Apparently, you have to have the right last name and family connections with the right corporations in order to even get close to the keys of power. It would appear that the American dream that anyone can be President is just that… a pipedream. Can this be denied when you see future Prime Ministers and Presidents hobnobbing with the Bilderburg Group and other elitist groups full of high-level corporate officers and boards men?

No greater example of the insidiousness of this system can be found than the current war and disaster profiteering that is blatantly evident in the current Bush administration. Halliburton and many other CIA/Skull and Bones affiliated corporations are making a killing, garnering government contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Bush family made valuable Kuwaiti government and business connections during the first Iraqi campaign, and the Texas Oil conglomerates are making another fortune during this campaign. Kellogg, Brown and Root (a Halliburton subsidiary) has just won a contract worth 385 million dollars to build detainment camps (concentration camps) for FEMA in case of a disaster (maybe concentration camps shouldn't be a major facet of disaster relief?). The ex-CEO of KBR received quite a bit of government money for his new company IAP Worldwide, when millions of tons of ice were purchased during the intitial stages of the Katrina distaster from his company, loaded into trucks and then apparently driven around the country only to be placed into storage. No use has apparently found these ice purchases. While the President was cutting off valuable food and supplies to Katrina victims so that his motorcade could get through for his photo opportunity (his poll numbers were dropping), he was apparently throwing much needed funding at his Vice President's favorite company (Kellogg, Brown, and Root); and we all know how dismal the government response was to this disaster. Who is set up to benefit from government subsidies and contracts in the wake of the Katrina disaster? You guessed it, those old hats of the Bush family oligarch, Kellogg Brown and Root, Halliburton and Betchel. Organizations and companies like Wal-mart, the Red Cross, and churches across the country were denied the opportunity to provide much needed supplies to victims in the immediate aftermath of this horrible disaster, with no apparent rational explanation other than they were not business partners of the President's family or his administration.

“The brilliance of the American aristocracy is they’ve convinced the world they don’t exist... It’s safer that way. Unlike us [the old European aristocracy], they’re invisible targets...” Furthermore, “It’s very clever -- you teach them in America anyone can become rich, so that when they hate the rich, they hate themselves. It paralyzes them. All they can do is eat.”—Dirk Wittenborn, Fierce People.

There are solutions to all of this madness, but they require an educated and informed public (not an easy task navigating the propaganda minefield placed by the corporate cartels.) The corporate system must be divorced from our political system and governments, if we are to stand a chance. The ridiculous decision by the Supreme Court of granting more rights to corporations than to private citizens under the Constitution of the United States of America must be repealed, and the reigns of government must be placed firmly back into the hands of the people, where it belongs, and out of the hands of corporate gangsters and their goons. I suggest that we do away with the corporate straw man all together. I can see no need for it other than giving corporations an enormous amount of power, and providing for the enslavement of human beings under the Uniform Commercial Code (which is the code of corporations.) There’s no real need for a means of protecting oneself from litigation unless one plans on dealing dishonestly or criminally. Unfortunately, a great amount of damage has been done to our freedom and liberty in this country thanks to the corporate cartels, but this damage is not yet beyond repair. All of the fascist laws and alphabet soup bureaucracies created on behalf of the corporate cartels, such as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 should be repealed, and America should be placed immediately back on a gold or silver standard. Our money must be taken back from the banksters that are robbing us all blind, and driving us towards another Great Depression. Most of all, the American people must realize that their rights are not derived from anything below (a vote, a constitution, a politician), but are in fact derived from above (natural law, creator, whichever you prefer.) Once this has been realized, then it can be actualized into a society of just laws by demanding your unalienable rights as a human being and not as a corporate straw man. "As a man thinketh, so shall he be."

Judge Learned Hand summed up the principal of liberty: "I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon the Constitution, upon laws and courts. These are false hopes, believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; When it dies there, no Constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. While it lies there it needs no Constitution, no law, no court can save it."

“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw Light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe... corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed.” —Abraham Lincoln

"The monetary system of the U.S. and the major nations of the free world was established in 1694 by the Bank of England. This system subverts the legal and constitutional government and leads to socialism or fascism through favored corporate creation and control of the government's money and credit; directs the policies of government and holds in their hands the destiny of the people." Reginald McKenna, Chairman of the Board and President, Midlands Bank of England (National Economy and the Banking System, Senate Document, Vol. 3, No. 23, 76th Congress)


by Ryan Bradfield


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